
"My favourite literary creation is Wonderland and my favourite characters are Lewis Carroll's Alice, Leo Tolstoy's Natasha Rostova and J.K. Rowling's Luna Lovegood."

Elisabeth Shuker was born in Lyon, France in January 1993. She grew up in Leicestershire, UK and in the summer of 2011 she began studying BA English and History at the University of York.

In 2011, Elisabeth began writing her first novel The Sound of Rain, which is posted episodically on this blog. In June 2012, she began the 90 Haiku Challenge, part of the 90 Challenge run by Fusion to raise money for Student Linkup, the haiku written for that project can also be found on this blog.

Elisabeth is interested in a career in publishing and at university she is Deputy Editor for Volume Four of the Looking Glass Anthology. Her poem The Road off Market Square was included in Volume Three of the Anthology.

She is also interested in journalism; currently she writes articles for university newspaper, The Yorker, national student website, NUS Lifestyle and occassionally appears on literature-based university radio show, The Blurb.

Recently Elisabeth has become a cell leader for G2, the church that she goes to in York.
